Sustainable DrainageSustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Our organisation has in-house design engineers who are experienced in designing specialist and sustainable drainage systems. SuDS, is a method that sustainably controls surface and ground water. The benefits of using this method include,
- Reduced risk of flooding
- Minimises pollution
- Retaining natural flow routine
- Enhancing resources of water
GreenWise Construction has highly trained staff who are experienced in installing specialist drainage systems including:
- Foul
- Storm
- Treatment works
- Package pumping stations
- Land drainage
- Storm water attenuation systems
- Flow control systems
- Septic Tanks
- Grease traps and separators
- Oil/water separators
- Sustainable solutions
- Storage tanks
- Rain water harvesting
GreenWise Construction presents a contemporary outlook on the future of the construction industry.